Learn techniques that can help you interact with others and effectively gather the facts you need.
No one in any walk of life ever becomes so proficient that he or she cannot improve.
Attorneys, physicians, dentists, architects, and other professionals describe their efforts as “practices” not simply because they involve practical skills, but because they are constantly learning more and are developing professionalism. Interviewers who stop learning and attempt to rely on conducting interviews by rote will eventually find that their effectiveness seriously declines.
Interviewing by professionals is an art that incorporates and uses scientific methods. As is true with any art, one does not become adept at interviewing by reading about the interview process. An interviewer, like an artist or a musician, must practice, practice, and practice still more.
The interview is an essential form of fact gathering for every type of human interaction. Interviews happen everywhere; they are performed by almost everyone. Interviewing is also an art, and the most effective interviews are conducted by those who are knowledgeable and skilled in this art.